Secondary palette
Our secondary color palette consists of darker shades of our primary colors: deep amaranth, dusk sundown, midnight tutu, stormy hippie blue, and royal regal blue. These shades are meant to be used in conjunction with the primary colors to add depth and contrast to our design elements.
Tertiary palette
Our tertiary color palette is composed of lighter shades of our primary colors. These colors are mainly used for backgrounds and elements that require a subtle touch of color. They add depth and dimension to our designs while maintaining a cohesive look and feel with our brand.
Primary palette: Amaranth, Sundown, Tutu, Hippie Blue, and Regal Blue
Secondary palette: Darker shades of primary colors
Tertiary palette: Lighter shades of primary colors for backgrounds
Color video overview
How to use our brand colors? What are the dos and don'ts? In this video overview, illustrator and animator, Greg Gunn, walks you through his easy process for making color palettes that work.